Could Tesla Be Sued Under Vicarious Liability In Self-Driving Accident?


As more autonomous vehicles hit the roads in America, there are more questions about who is liable in a car accident when the vehicle is in self-driving mode. For example, can you sue Tesla under vicarious liability if you are injured in a self-driving car accident? Learn more about this and related topics, then speak to our Atlanta car accident attorneys at Shani O. Brooks P.C. for legal assistance.

Determining Liability In Self-Driving Auto Accidents

Many people believe that the increasing number of autonomous vehicles will cause more car accidents. As automated vehicles take control of our roads, Georgia courts must alter how they litigate auto accident liability lawsuits.

In some cases, the issue of vicarious liability could come into play. Vicarious liability means finding a company or entity responsible for an employee’s actions. For example, suppose a delivery driver in a self-driving vehicle hits you in a crosswalk. In that case, it may be possible to sue Tesla under the vicarious liability doctrine for your injuries. 

Or, you may be able to sue the delivery driver’s employer. This is an evolving area of the law, so if you were in a self-driving car accident, you should have your case reviewed by an Atlanta car accident attorney.

Other parties and entities could be liable in a self-driving Tesla auto accident, depending on the case details. Some examples include:

The Driver

Most self-driving vehicles today, including most Teslas, are only partially autonomous. In addition, these vehicles still require the human driver to oversee the technology and take action when the software makes a mistake.

For instance, if the self-driving software warns the driver that weather conditions require him to take over driving, he must do so immediately. If he ignores warning signals from the software, he could be liable for the Tesla accident. In an accident involving test drivers for Tesla, Google, Uber, and others, the company might be held vicariously liable for employees’ negligence.

The Vehicle Manufacturer

Tesla or another self-driving car manufacturer might be liable in an accident if a product defect caused the accident. Therefore, every vehicle manufacturer must ensure that their vehicles are reasonably safe. This means the carmaker should design a safe car model, ensure they are manufactured safely and inspect cars for safety issues.

The Software Company

Many self-driving vehicles have software that a different company makes. Some accidents have happened because of a software flaw. Or, there was a malfunction in the self-driving software. That company could be found negligent if the self-driving software contributed to the accident.

Speak To Our Atlanta Car Accident Attorneys Today

Were you in a Tesla self-driving accident recently near Zoo Atlanta or Piedmont Park? There are many legal questions involved regarding liability with self-driving vehicles, and many people or entities could be liable, depending on the case. A self-driving car crash will require an extensive investigation to determine liability. Our Atlanta car accident attorneys at Shani O. Brooks P.C. can help you hold the proper individuals or entities accountable for their negligence. Contact Shani Brooks today at (404) 920-4736.

Why Do Personal Injuries Increase In The Spring?

personal injury

There is considerable evidence of more personal injuries in the spring. For example, many studies show the rise in accidents, from workplace injuries to car accidents, as the weather warms and Daylight Saving Time (DST) begins. Learn more about why there are more personal injuries in the spring, then talk to our Atlanta personal injury lawyer at Shani O. Brooks P.C. today.

Daylight Saving Time Causes More Accidents

Every spring, Americans move their clocks ahead an hour for DST. The time change gives us more light in the evening, so we can enjoy being outside in warmer weather. However, evidence suggests more accidents after DST starts, including car accidents and job-related injuries.

Fatality Analysis Reporting System data shows a 6% rise in auto accidents the week after DST starts. The data shows that the time change causes about 28 more yearly deaths. This study also indicates that the accident rate declines the week after DST. Losing an hour of sleep can significantly affect our ability to make safe driving choices.

DST Also Causes More Job-Related Injuries

Evidence also suggests that job-related accidents rise after Daylight Saving Time starts. For example, a recent study by Michigan State University found that changing to DST in March leads to about 40 minutes less sleep for workers. This led to a 5.7% rise in job-related accidents and about 68% more days lost to injuries at work.

Can losing about an hour of sleep cause more personal injuries? Experts believe that it can. This is especially in high-risk jobs requiring attention to detail. Studies have shown that losing an hour of sleep makes our attention decrease our concentration. For people driving, there can be more car accidents because of driver fatigue. In addition, workers in the trucking and construction industries may be more tired after Daylight Saving Time.

Other Reasons For More Personal Injuries In The Spring

Daylight Saving Time is not the only reason for more personal injuries in the spring. There are simply more people driving in warmer, sunnier weather in Atlanta. When more people are driving on the roads, there will be more accidents.

Also, warmer weather causes more people in Atlanta to be outside at the Atlanta Botanical Garden and other outside venues. When more people are outside, more pedestrian and bicycle accidents will occur.

There are even more slip-and-fall accidents during the spring. The Atlanta area tends to have rain in the spring, which can cause slick sidewalks, floors, and steps.

It is wise to use caution when you are out and about in warm, sunny weather every spring. Also, get more sleep the week before DST starts, so you are awake and alert behind the wheel.

Call Our Personal Injury Attorney Now

Were you injured in a car accident in Atlanta because of someone’s negligence?  You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Contact our Atlanta personal injury attorney at  Shani O. Brooks P.C. at (404) 920-4736. Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys also serve the communities of Buckhead, Decatur, and Dunwoody.


Steps To Take If You Are In An Accident With Multiple Vehicles

car accident

Auto accidents were the second-leading cause of fatalities in Georgia in 2020. Thousands of Georgians are injured in these accidents annually, as well. Some of these accidents involved multiple vehicles.

If you are in an Atlanta car accident with multiple vehicles, you will probably be overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. Perhaps you have serious injuries, too. The steps you take immediately after the accident can influence how much money you receive in a car accident settlement or lawsuit. Remember the tips outlined below, then, if you have questions, talk to our Atlanta car accident attorney at Shani O. Brooks P.C. today.

Check Yourself For Injuries

Look yourself over after the accident to see how injured you are. Look closely to determine if you are more seriously injured than initially thought. Multiple vehicle car accidents are terrifying, and you will probably be in shock.

Next, check your passengers for injuries. If they do not need help, check on the occupants of other vehicles. Get help immediately if anyone is injured.

Call 911

If anyone is hurt, call 911. Tell the dispatcher there was a multiple-vehicle crash, and people are injured. After first responders arrive, the police will secure the accident scene and help the injured. Everyone involved in the accident will be interviewed by law enforcement.

Collect Information About Witnesses

A critical part of many car accident settlement negotiations is the testimony of eyewitnesses. You should obtain the contact information for all witnesses to the accident who stay at the scene. Another driver may admit fault in the accident, but their story could change later. So, witness statements to the police will be important later.

Take Photos

Take as many pictures with your cell phone as you can. You should take images of vehicle damage, your injuries, wide-angle shots of the accident scene and vehicle positions, and the license plate for every vehicle.

Also, take pictures of debris on the street and any skid marks you see. Of course, your car accident attorney will collect evidence, too, but you can take photos right after the accident. They can be helpful in arguing your case with the insurance company for compensation.

Do Not Talk To Another Driver’s Insurance Company

If several vehicles were in the crash, you could receive several phone calls from other drivers’ insurance providers. You should not talk to any auto insurance company except yours.

The other drivers’ insurance companies may contact you because they know their drivers are responsible for the accident. Their goal is to get you to either say something to damage your case or to get you to sign a quick settlement agreement. Neither outcome is beneficial to you.

The best thing to do after a multiple-vehicle accident is to call 911 and law enforcement, then speak to an Atlanta car accident attorney. Your attorney will handle all communications with the insurance companies. The car accident attorney is skilled in insurance negotiations and will help you get the best settlement.

Call Our Atlanta Car Accident Attorney Now

Were you in a car accident in Atlanta near Fox Theater or Zoo Atlanta because of someone’s negligence?  You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Contact our Atlanta car accident attorney at Shani O. Brooks P.C. at (404) 920-4736. Our Atlanta car accident attorneys also serve the communities of Buckhead, Decatur, and Dunwoody.


Who Is Financially Responsible For An Uber Driver’s Injuries?


Uber and Lyft have largely replaced traditional taxi companies in many American cities. Ordering a ride quickly on a rideshare app on your cell phone is easy. However, what happens if there is an accident, and who is financially responsible for your Uber driver’s injuries?

Uber’s $1 Million Liability Policy

Whether you are an Uber driver or passenger, you might have heard about the company’s $1 million commercial insurance policy. If you are in an Uber accident, this coverage might compensate you. However, it depends on when and how the accident happened.

For example, say you are an Uber driver and are in an accident. If you were driving a passenger or driving to pick up a passenger with the app on when the crash happened, Uber liability insurance might be in effect. You could receive up to $1 million if you have severe injuries, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

However, if you were logged into the app but did not have a fair and were not driving to pick up a far, the Uber insurance is different:

  • $50,000 per person
  • $25,000 for property damage
  • $100,000 per incident

Uber will not cover your accident if you are logged out of the app and not working. Instead, you will need to rely on your personal auto insurance. If you were not working at the time of the crash, you need your own coverage. This is why it is important to have more than the minimum coverage on your personal insurance policy. 

What If An Uber Driver Injures You?

Uber classifies drivers as independent contractors for several reasons. One of the most significant reasons is the company may not be legally liable if their driver is negligent and causes an accident.

However, if the Uber driver in your or another vehicle caused the accident, your Decatur personal injury attorney can try to argue that Uber was partially liable for the crash. If this claim is successful, you may be covered by the Uber $1 million commercial insurance policy. This could be preferable because commercial policies almost always have more considerable coverage limits than personal insurance policies.

To prove that Uber was liable for the accident, your attorney will rely on eyewitness statements, the police report, videos and photos of damages, medical reports, and expert testimony. 

Therefore, it is essential to contact an attorney quickly because Uber will aggressively fight liability for the accident. They will try to claim the other driver caused it or was partially responsible for the accident. 

Call Our Decatur Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Are you an Uber driver who was hurt in a Georgia car accident? Who will pay for your medical bills, pain and suffering, lost earnings, and more? Uber accidents can be complicated, and you should talk to our Decatur personal injury lawyer today.

Shani O. Brooks PC may be able to assist you with compensation for your losses. Contact Shani Brooks Law today at (404) 920-4736. Our Decatur attorneys also proudly serve Buckhead, Atlanta, and Dunwoody communities.

How To Avoid Car Accidents On Atlanta Freeways

Atlanta car accidents

If you drive in Atlanta near Zoo Atlanta or the Georgia Aquarium, you know there are a lot of car accidents in the city. However, if you follow the tips below, you can avoid auto accidents on Atlanta freeways, including Interstate 20, 75, 85, and Georgia 400. If you have been in a car accident and have injuries, contact Atlanta auto accident lawyer Shani O. Brooks for assistance.

Slow Down

Atlanta annually receives an average of 109 days of rain, sleet, snow, or hail. So, it always is best to slow down and obey the speed limit. Remember, your tires lack traction on wet pavement, so it is vital to go slower in bad weather.

Many auto experts recommend slowing your speed by 50% in poor weather conditions in Atlanta. For instance, if the posted limit on I-20 in Atlanta is 75, you should not go more than 40 MPH in bad weather.

You also should stay within the speed limit even when it is a clear, dry day. Going slower will always provide more time to stop if something unexpected happens ahead.

Leave More Distance In Front Of You

Atlanta has its share of traffic jams, so it might be tempting to follow closely behind the vehicle ahead of you. However, you should increase your following distances in Atlanta traffic to see what is ahead. Many Atlanta auto accidents happen because drivers cannot see past the vehicle in front of them. So increase distances to avoid accidents.

Use Caution At Busy Atlanta Intersections

Many Atlanta accidents occur at intersections. For example, someone may run a red light while you have the green. This type of accident happens more often today because drivers are more distracted by cell phones. That is why you should proceed through every intersection cautiously, even when you have the right of way.

Avoid Distracted Driving

We are busier than ever in modern society. However, you should avoid multitasking when you are behind the wheel. Whether it is talking, texting, calling someone on the phone, or playing with the radio, there is a much higher risk of accidents when your eyes are not focused on the road. Also, more than 3,000 people died in distracted driving accidents nationwide in 2020. Therefore, when driving, the best thing to do with your cell phone is to shut it off and put it in your purse or glove compartment.

Never Drive After Drinking

The legal limit in Georgia is .08% BAC. However, it is a best practice to never drive after having even one drink. The Georgia State Police can arrest you for being intoxicated behind the wheel, even if you are below the legal limit. They can still put you in handcuffs if they believe you are impaired. Remember, Uber and Lyft make it easier to get home safely.

Call Our Atlanta Auto Accident Lawyer Today

Were you in a car accident in Atlanta because of someone’s negligence? Our Atlanta auto accident attorneys may be able to help you obtain compensation for your injuries. Contact Shani Brooks Law today at (404) 920-4736. Our Atlanta attorneys also serve the Buckhead, Decatur, and Dunwoody communities.

Ways To Increase Visibility To Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

prevent motorcycle accidents

Motorcycles are harder to see than cars, which is one reason why there are so many motorcycle accidents. Drivers often do not see motorcyclists, leading to severe accidents. Fortunately, there are simple ways you can increase your visibility to avoid motorcycle accidents. But if the worst happens, contact Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer Shani O. Brooks about your case if you have been in a motorcycle accident. 

Wear Reflective Tape

Reflective tape is simple and inexpensive but can save your life. In addition to putting it on your helmet and clothes, experts recommend putting reflective tape on the inner edges of your motorcycle rims. When another vehicle’s lights hit the rims, it illuminates the tire edges. Also, consider putting small pieces of reflective tape on your rear fender, taillight, saddlebags, and fairings.

Reconsider A Black Motorcycle

The traditional black motorcycle is attractive, but it might not be the best way to be seen on the road. A Kentucky University study found that a black motorcycle color made it harder to see the bike in certain accidents. Consider buying a red, green, orange, or white motorcycle so you can be more easily seen.

Wear A Bright-Colored Helmet

Obviously, wearing a DOT-approved helmet is essential for safety. However, do not underestimate the importance of your helmet’s visibility. Your helmet is the most obvious to other drivers in Atlanta traffic. Choose a white or brightly-colored helmet to get more attention from others on the road.

Use Your Horn

There is an old saying in the motorcycle world that ‘loud pipes save lives.‘ True, but you also can make yourself heard on your bike by honking your horn if someone does not see you.

Always Use High Beams

Many drivers were taught not to use high beams when other drivers are nearby. But on your motorcycle, it is recommended to use your high beams in broad daylight. This has been shown to make a motorcycle more visible on the open road and at intersections. Do not be as concerned about blinding other drivers; at least they are sure to see you.

Change The Headlamp Angle

Your motorcycle headlamp and bulb can slightly change position from age and road vibration, making it harder to see you. Check your headlight’s position before every ride to ensure it has not loosened. You also may angle your headlight to increase your ability to see the road. The more visibility of the road you have, the easier it is to avoid obstacles and debris.

The tips above will make it easier for other drivers to see you on your motorcycle. But if the worst happens and you get in an accident, speak to a qualified attorney immediately.

Contact An Atlanta Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

Were you in a motorcycle accident in Atlanta near Centennial Olympic Park, Piedmont Park, or another popular sight in the city? Our Atlanta motorcycle accident attorneys can help if someone’s negligence caused the accident. Please contact us today at (404) 920-4736. Our Atlanta attorneys also serve the Buckhead, Decatur, and Dunwoody communities.

Most Common Causes Of Slip And Fall Accidents In Atlanta

slip and fall

Unsafe floors, sidewalks, and steps are common causes of slip-and-fall accidents in Atlanta. If a person or entity was responsible for ensuring the safety of the property, you might be eligible for compensation in a slip-and-fall lawsuit. Talk to our Atlanta slip and fall lawyers at Shani O. Brooks P.C. for assistance today.

What Causes Most Slip And Fall Accidents?

Many slip-and-fall accidents happen because of dangerous surface conditions:

  • Wet floor
  • Loose carpeting
  • Loose floorboards
  • Food or liquid spills
  • Cracks or potholes in the road or sidewalks
  • Uneven sidewalks or floors
  • Tripping hazards, such as wires

You also may have a slip-and-fall accident because of poor lighting, lack of handrails, loose handrails, broken steps, and more. To have a valid case, your slip-and-fall lawyer in Atlanta must prove that someone or an entity was negligent.

Where Do Atlanta Slip And Fall Accidents Happen?

Slip and fall accidents happen all over Atlanta, including at Georgia Aquarium, Zoo Atlanta, and World of Coca-Cola. They may also happen at grocery stores, restaurants, parking garages, apartment buildings, amusement parks, swimming pools, nursing homes, and stadiums.

How To Prove An Atlanta Slip And Fall Case

Did you suffer financial damages and physical injuries from a fall? You could file a lawsuit but must prove the owner or employee’s negligence. Proving negligence can be complex, but your Atlanta slip-and-fall attorney can help. For the case to result in compensation, you must prove the following:

  • The owner or employee had a duty of care to keep the property free of defects.
  • They did not follow the duty of care.
  • You were injured because of their negligence.
  • You have damages because of the accident.

The defendant may fight the claim. They may argue that you were partially responsible for the accident. For example, say you slipped and fell at a swimming pool. You sue the pool owner, but they say that a witness saw you were running at the time and were partially to blame. If that argument works, your compensation could be reduced according to Georgia’s comparative negligence rules.

Damages In An Atlanta Slip And Fall Case

If your attorney proves the defendant was negligent, you may receive compensation for medical costs, lost earnings, property damage, and pain and suffering.

You can obtain more money for pain and suffering by attending doctor appointments. Also, write down or record a pain journal every day of what you are going through. Mention your pain and what prevents you from doing during your day. 

Call An Atlanta Slip And Fall Lawyer Today

Did you slip and fall on someone’s property? Then, you could have a slip-and-fall personal injury lawsuit and be entitled to compensation.

Our Atlanta slip-and-fall attorneys may be able to help you. Contact our Atlanta slip and fall lawyer today at (404) 920-4736. Our Atlanta attorneys also proudly serve Buckhead, Decatur, and Dunwoody communities.

How to Make Yourself More Visible As A Cyclist 

bicycle safety

Biking is an excellent way to remain fit and get your daily dose of fresh air. But crowded bike paths and roads can cause accidents if you aren’t careful. You can increase bicycle safety by ensuring you are visible to other bikers, pedestrians, and drivers on the road. 

Top Bicycle Safety Tips That Can Increase Your Visibility on the Road

Stay safe out there. Here are some bicycle safety tips that can ensure you are visible to others:

  1. Wear Reflective Clothing 

Reflective clothing will make you more apparent on the road, even while biking during the day. It can save your life if you are biking after a storm or early in the morning when the sun is barely out. If you don’t have reflective clothing or gear, stick-on reflective patches on your bike or clothes to make yourself visible.  

  1. Add Extra Lights to Your Bike

Besides a bright headlight, add brake or rear lights, so you are constantly visible on the road. You can also add LED lights and a light disc in the frame. Your bright wheels will be visible from a mile away. 

  1. Wear Bright Warmers 

Leg, knee, and arm warmers are available in neon colors that are highly visible on the road when biking. You can also wear these in the summer when you are wearing shorts. These can become an extension of your shorts that will make you highly visible and keep you comfortable. 

  1.  Keep Your Bike and Gear Pristine 

If you bike regularly, your bike is probably covered in dirt, grime, and mud hiding its neon colors. This common problem during the rainy season can make you invisible on the road. 

Prevent a collision by wiping down your bike before you head out, especially if you bike daily. A brightly colored bike is more visible on the road than a dirty one. 

  1. Signal Clearly 

Signal your turns clearly and broadly. Use bike hand signals to let other drivers and cyclists know where you are turning. At night, wear the aforementioned bright arm warmers or reflectors on your arms, so your hand signals are noticeable. Reflective gloves will also work. 

Make sure you signal a third of a block before you stop or turn. That way, you can give others plenty of time to slow down, so they don’t run into you. For instance, ensure you signal a right-hand turn a few seconds beforehand, so the driver behind you has ample time to slow down before driving ahead.

Contact Shani O. Brooks P.C. For A Consultation Today!

If you were run over by a speeding driver or were hit even when you were following local bike laws, you deserve compensation. But if the insurance company denies your claim, an experienced Atlanta bicycle accident lawyer such as Shani O. Brooks can appeal your case aggressively if needed. Book a consultation by dialing 404-692-5404. At Shani O. Brooks, Attorneys at Law, we offer unbiased, thorough, and compassionate litigation services to Atlanta residents that are 100% confidential. We can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Atlanta Winter Driving Safety Tips

winter driving safety tips

Winter in Georgia is harsher than it used to be. Mild weather and dry roads are a thing of the past. But that has changed with climate change. Now, winter in Atlanta sees freezing cold days coupled with snow and sleek ice, making roads hazardous for inexperienced drivers. An Atlanta car accident attorney can ensure adequate compensation for damages, but you can avoid fatal accidents by being careful.

Top 5 Ways to Prevent Driving Accidents in Winter 

A skid can lead to a pileup on slick and icy roads. Follow these driving safety tips to prevent that and other car accidents in winter: 

  1. Keep a Full Tank of Gas

Traffic will be heavy during winter as roads freeze or drivers drive slowly to prevent accidents. If you are stuck in traffic, a full tank of gas will ensure you remain comfortable and warm as the temperature drops until you reach your destination. 

  1. Drive Slowly

As the roads freeze, drive 5 mph slower than the speed limit. It will give you adequate time to brake if a car stops in front of you or someone crosses the road. When you hit those brakes, your car will take some time to come to a complete stop. You will also be able to maintain control of your vehicle when you drive slowly on black ice

  1. Plan Your Route Beforehand 

Before grabbing your keys, check your local traffic and weather reports. If there is a storm outside or it snowed heavily last night, consider postponing your travel plans till it clears up. If you cannot do that, consider leaving early to avoid traffic. 

Use a GPS or Google Maps to familiarize yourself with the route beforehand and determine your anticipated arrival time. For a road trip or long trip, stop to stretch, get something to eat, and refresh yourself, so you don’t nod off behind the wheel. 

  1. Demist and De-Ice All Windows

Make sure you can see clearly out of all of the windows in your vehicle before you head out. Take the extra time each morning to demist and de-ice all windows. You must ensure you can see ahead or risk an accident on clogged and slick roads. If you don’t have these products, use warm water or a scraper to remove ice and snow from your car. Run the engine to speed up the process. 

  1. Prepare For Limited Visibility 

Busy roads may be shrouded in darkness during a winter storm or after one. The glare from headlights and sunlight can blind you and cause a collision.

Prevent that by removing ice build-up from the windscreen, which can otherwise cause a dazzling effect. Plus, replace old windscreen wipers with new ones to prevent smearing. A dirty windscreen can increase glare.

Contact Shani O. Brooks P.C. For A Consultation Today!

You deserve compensation if you were the victim of a car accident or were run over by a speeding car that skidded out of control on the icy roads. Experienced Atlanta car accident attorneys at Shani O. Brooks P.C. can ensure you get the maximum amount you need to cover expensive medical bills and property damage. Book a 100% confidential consultation by dialing 404-692-5404. He will fight for your rights when you are unable to.

How To Manage Pain After An Auto Accident

pain management

The pain after a car accident can be debilitating. More often than not, the pain is bad enough to severely compromise the victim’s quality of life. With collisions common in Georgia, knowing how to manage pain can help you recover faster. Pain management will also help you keep a level head while determining compensation with help from an Atlanta car accident attorney. 

How You Can Manage Pain from Car Accident Injuries

According to medical professionals, pain can either be acute or chronic. The former occurs right after an injury, while the latter refers to a long-lasting condition that requires medication to manage. Here are some of the treatments that doctors may prescribe depending on the type of pain you have:

Thermal and Ice Therapy

Your doctor may ask you to ice the painful area to reduce swelling and switch to heat to ease the pain. Apply an ice pack for 20 minutes on the injured site daily. Applying a hot pack to a swollen injury may worsen it since it is already inflamed, increasing your recovery time. When it reduces, the heat will relax tight muscles that cause pain. You can also use a hot water bottle to improve blood flow and relieve some of the pain. 

Gentle Exercise 

While exercise may be the last thing on your mind when you are injured, light movements can reduce your pain considerably by relaxing stiffened muscles. Even simple activities such as walking can help you regain muscle strength, improve blood flow and relax tense muscles in your spine. This is important as you need strong muscles to support your back to reduce pain. 

Stretching and Yoga

You can manage most acute pain with stretching exercises such as yoga, which can relax muscles that stiffen after an accident. The practices include deep breathing and movements that provide critical oxygen to your muscles to function correctly. A good stretch’s soothing effect will also positively impact your mental and emotional health. Think of these exercises as a gentle workout that will trigger the body’s natural healing capabilities. 

Get Medical Help Before It Is Too Late

Most accident victims put off medical aid post-accident because they cannot afford medical expenses. Many wait to see if the other driver’s insurance company will compensate them by paying for those expenses. They also take responsibility for the collision, automatically making them the at-fault driver.

You may miss out on compensation if you don’t get treatment timely. You may face a hefty medical bill depending on the extent of your injuries. An Atlanta car accident attorney can help you process everything through your health care and insurance and ensure you are duly compensated. 

Contact Shani O. Brooks P.C. for a Consultation Today!

Car crashes are the leading cause of severe injuries and deaths in Georgia. If you were injured in an accident and the other party’s insurance company denied your claim, contact Shani O.Brooks to discuss legal options today. He can determine negligence and go up against the insurance company, so you don’t have to. Get the total and fair financial compensation you deserve. Dial 404-692-5404 to book a consultation for any questions you may have and a suitable legal strategy for your case.