Tips To Prevent Accidents on a Motorcycle


Tips To Prevent Accidents on a Motorcycle

Motorcycle accidents have increased in Georgia over the past few years. This is understandable since these vehicles lack airbags, seat belts, and other safety features in cars. The chances of anyone walking away from a motorcycle accident injury-free are slim to none. That is how devastating one motorcycle accident can be.

Top 4 Tips on Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents

However, these tips can help you avoid these incidents or at least reduce the injuries you sustain:

1. Remain Focused and Alert

When riding your motorcycle, make sure there are little to no distractions. Be mindful of the other vehicles around you. If the car in front of you stops suddenly, you have to be alert enough to hit the breaks immediately. Do not listen to music while riding if you are tired or under the influence. Even a tiny distraction can lead to devastating consequences.

2. Assume You Are Invisible On The Road

Most motorists cannot spot motorcycles before it is too late. Many motorcyclists remain in blind spots. Plus, car drivers usually pay more attention to other cars and larger vehicles on the road compared to small bikes. Avoid serious accidents by assuming no one can see you on the road. That way, you will not make a wrong decision based on assumptions.

3. Slow Down

It can be very tempting to speed up on a long stretch of road, especially if you are on a high-performance bike such as a Harley Davidson. However, the faster you go, the slower your reaction time to other vehicles, pedestrians, and debris.

If you speed, you can also miss an upcoming turn. In this case, you will take the turn too fast. Panic and hit the brakes, and you will go flying over the handlebars. Your motorcycle can slide out from under you if you ride the corner too hard. An extra second or two is just what you need to avoid a slippery patch of road or a pothole. If you speed in the rain, the chances of you getting into a tragic accident will increase a hundredfold.

4. Do Not Ride At Night

While riding at night can be thrilling, low light conditions can increase your chances of getting into a motorcycle accident. If you have to ride for, say, an emergency, make sure your headlights are working, ride in well-lit areas where they are available, and remain well under the speed limit.

If you get into an accident even after following all of the tips mentioned above, you should ensure you are compensated for damages.

Contact Shani O.Brooks after a Motorcycle Accident – Get The Compensation You Deserve

After getting medical treatment to treat your injuries from a motorcycle accident, contact an Atlanta motorcycle accident lawyer to investigate the incident for you. Shani O. Brooks can ensure all of the evidence is preserved right away and will deal with the other side on your behalf as well. Like all of his clients, he will have your best interests in mind when negotiating a settlement. Contact the attorneys at 404-920-4736 for a consultation today before it is too late.

How Common Are Big Rig Trucking Accidents Around Atlanta?


How Common Are Big Rig Trucking Accidents Around Atlanta?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, trucking accidents are a major source of accidents in Georgia and, thus, Atlanta. In one year alone, these accidents caused more than 180 fatalities. Across the nation, the number exceeded 476,000.

Considering that heavy commercial trucks are difficult to maneuver even in ideal conditions, these numbers are not surprising. The damage they do on the road is usually on a massive scale. It’s one of the main reasons why many victims hire an Atlanta trucking accident lawyer.

Top Causes of Trucking Accidents in Atlanta

The most common causes of trucking accidents in the state include the following:

Brake failure

It takes several seconds for a large rig or truck to come to a complete stop. If the brakes fail on those behemoths, they can roll over easily or mow down other vehicles and pedestrians in their path.

Drug use

Even over-the-counter drugs, such as allergy medication, can cause symptoms that affect driver performance. One of the most common cause of trucking accidents is drowsiness, which can prove deadly on the road. Some symptoms manifest the next day.


Trucks move slowly for a reason. Even though we can get quite frustrated trying to pass them, yelling at the drivers to drive faster can lead to tragic consequences. A truck driver needs at least one second for every 10 feet of a truck traveling 40 mph. Above that, they need five seconds for a 40-foot truck and 7 for one that is 60 feet long. A speeding truck on wet roads is a disaster waiting to happen.

Road Unfamiliarity

Truck drivers unfamiliar with the roads they are driving on have higher chances of getting into or causing accidents. This is understandable. If a driver doesn’t know about upcoming turns or traffic-prone areas, they can brake too late or speed up where they shouldn’t.

Driver fatigue

Truck drivers have to drive for long hours on long stretches of road, which can be quite exhausting. Many work extra hours to meet deadlines or to make extra money. Fatigue slows reaction times and reduces the driver’s decision-making skills. Since trucks take several seconds to come to a full stop, drivers who doze off behind the wheel are hazardous to other drivers and themselves.

Improperly Secured Loads

The way a truck is loaded with freight can determine its performance on the road. Cargo should be secured well, even if it is inside a trailer. The weight of the items inside should be distributed across the trailer to ensure the truck’s axles don’t get jammed. If the load is secured inadequately, the trailer can become a hazard on the road, especially during windy conditions.

Contact Shani O. Brooks P.C. For A Consultation Regarding Your Trucking Accident

Have you been in a trucking accident in Atlanta, and the insurance company of the trucking company refuses to compensate you for damages? If you said yes, you need an experienced Atlanta trucking accident lawyer in your corner. Get in touch with Shani O. Brooks P.C. for a free consultation today.

Top Causes Of Serious Car Accidents In Georgia


Top Causes Of Serious Car Accidents In Georgia

Car accidents cause thousands of injuries and deaths in the U.S. According to auto accident statistics, Georgia stands out for several reasons. 2020 saw a significant rise in traffic fatalities in the state. While some are due to inclement weather and poor road conditions, most result from driver error.

Top Causes of Serious Car Accidents in Georgia

Here are some of the top reasons why Georgians get into serious car accidents:

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving accounts for more than 20 percent of accidents in the state. Since it contributes to several non-fatal accidents, it is also considered the number one cause of car accidents in Georgia. Besides alcohol, a DUI charge can also involve drugs.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving may not seem that dangerous, but it has contributed to several car accidents on Georgia roads. This is understandable because if you are distracted by your phone or kids while driving, it takes your focus off the road and other vehicles. It reduces your reaction time as much as drunk driving can, which can lead to an accident.

Inexperienced Driving

Teen drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 are more susceptible to car accidents more than any other group because of their inexperience. Many cannot make informed decisions while behind the wheel and are rarely mature enough to remain calm if they get into an accident. They are also more likely to speed while under the influence and drive distracted.


Drunk driving and teenage drivers can both lead to speeding. While speeding on its own doesn’t necessarily cause accidents, it definitely plays a big part. Think about it for a moment. It is much harder to react to a deer or pedestrians on the road if you are going too fast to spot them in time. Speeding is also the main cause of fatal car accidents.

Failure to Signal

The most common cause of car accidents in the state is failing to signal.  Many of those occur when a car makes contact with another vehicle in a parallel lane. Incorrect lane changes can lead to serious injuries, especially if they happen at high speeds on the freeway, for example. Drivers who make improper lane changes usually get into an accident if they:

  • Fail to check the mirror and blind spots
  • Do not use a turn signal
  • Straddle two lanes
  • Do not allow sufficient space to change lanes
  • Do not take the weather into account when changing lanes
  • Change lanes where it is prohibited (such as on a curve or a steep hill)

Contact Shani O. Brooks PC for A Free Consultation Today

If you are searching for a top-rated car accident lawyer in Atlanta who can get you the maximum compensation you deserve, contact Shani O. Brooks for a consultation today. Our legal team handles each case with the dedication and passion that has made our law office popular in the state. Please do not hesitate to contact us for a confidential case evaluation. Take action fast or risk losing out on your claim. We will take charge of your case from the get-go.

What are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Atlanta?


What are the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Atlanta?

Did you know that motor vehicle safety is among the most primary concerns for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)? According to nationwide accident statistics reported by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 6.4 million car accidents are reported in the U.S. every year, causing more than 36,000 deaths and 2.7 million injuries. What are the underlying causes of these collisions? Let’s find out.

Distracted Driving

One of the most dangerous things you can do on the road is distracted driving. While texting and driving is a huge distraction, various other acts can lead to visual, manual, and/or cognitive distractions that can easily result in a collision. Some of these actions include eating and drinking, listening to loud music, scanning through radio stations, turning to speak with passengers (like attending to children fighting in the backseat), and rummaging through the vehicle for items while one hand is on the steering wheel.

To minimize the chances of road accidents, try your best to avoid these engagements.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving encompasses different types of driving behaviors, including tailgating, honking endlessly at other drivers, cutting people off, overtaking at turns, and swerving toward another driver. Even if an aggressive driver doesn’t directly collide with another vehicle, their aggressive driving may indirectly lead to an accident as other drivers try to avoid or try to stay safe from this dangerous and erratic conduct.

Intoxicated Driving

Driving under the influence is a huge problem around the US. In 2016 alone, alcohol-impaired driving accounted for 28 percent of all road accident fatalities, causing 10,497 deaths. While the highest number of DUI cases relate to alcohol consumption, other agents like heroin, prescription oils, cocaine, and marijuana have also been known to cause terrible accidents.

Hence, driving after consuming alcohol or taking drugs, including strong prescribed medication that causes drowsiness, is not advised.

Driving in the Rain

Rainy or snowy weather can drastically alter road conditions by increasing the chances for slips and skids, hiding large potholes, reducing visibility, and decreasing traction. While it’s best not to drive in the rain, it can be difficult at times to avoid doing so altogether. If you’re already driving while it starts raining, pull over and wait for the rain to subside, if possible. If this isn’t an option, you’ll need to exercise great caution while driving. Drive slow and if a driver behind you thinks you’re wasting time, let them pass by. Unless you’re familiar with a road, don’t drive through pools of water.


Now that you have a fair idea of what usually causes car accidents, you should be in a much better position to ensure safety while on the road. An understanding of these causes should also help you pursue compensation should you face an emergency like this. While an understanding of these causes can help you prove causation in your case, you’ll also need to hire an expert car accident lawyer in Atlanta. Shani O. Brooks is one of the best lawyers in the region. To seek legal advice, reach out today.

How to Choose the Best Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta


How to Choose the Best Car Accident Lawyer in Atlanta

If you ask 10 people about who they believe is the best car accident lawyer in Atlanta, you will probably get a different answer each time. However, that doesn’t mean you should hire just anyone. Here are some ways you can narrow down your choice and ensure you get someone who is as invested in your car accident claim as you are:

How To Choose The Best Car Accident Lawyer In Atlanta

Avoid A ‘Jack Of All Trades’

Car accidents are just one part of personal injury laws. It is one of several fields attorneys can practice. Almost any attorney you meet will say he/she can take on an auto accident case as well as the others. However, do you think you can trust someone who says they are as good at injury cases as they are in bankruptcy and tax law?

Rather than a Jack of all trades, choose an attorney or law firm with a consistent track record of successful car accident cases. They will have more experience working on your type of case, whether you sustained injuries from a rear-end or a head-on collision.

Avoid Attorneys That Play Both Sides

Many car accident attorneys also work for companies that wish to defend themselves from injury victims. While this makes sense from a business point of view, a car accident lawyer who claims he/she is dedicated to your case should believe in their work and care about the victims they represent. It just makes them better at their job and, thus, more reliable.

Check Out Their Trial Record

Most car accident attorneys will reveal the number of years they have been in practice, but only a few will or can provide proof on the cases they worked on. In a car accident, a result can mean a court victory or a hefty settlement without the need for a trial.

While both victories are good, the attorney you choose should be able to show you evidence of verdicts and settlements they have won for clients injured in car accidents similar to yours.

Hire A Car Accident Lawyer In Atlanta Today

The road to recovery, post car accident, can be long and arduous. Your days may be filled with treatments, doctor appointments, and maybe even multiple surgeries. Do you think you will be able to afford the care you need?

Why should you pay in the first place? The accident was not your fault, and Atlanta car accident attorney Shani O. Brooks can ensure you get compensated for the treatments you need. Just make sure you file your claim on time.

Shani O. Brooks represents injured victims in Atlanta as well as throughout Georgia. His stellar legal team is proficient in handling each car accident case that comes to them with the attention to detail it deserves.

Do not go up against the insurance company on your own. They have trained people to convince you that you do not deserve compensation.

So, if you or someone you know is injured in an auto accident, get in touch with Shani for a consultation today. We will keep your case under wraps to ensure complete confidentiality.

How Common Are Serious Car Accidents in Atlanta?


How Common Are Serious Car Accidents in Atlanta?

Millions of commuters pass through highways I-85 and I-75, which means they go through Atlanta as well. With tempers flaring behind the wheel as people try to navigate traffic, it’s no surprise that car accidents are so common in the city. If you are ever involved in one, hire a car accident lawyer in Atlanta, immediately.

How Common Are Car Accidents In Atlanta?

As per the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, car accidents are common in Atlanta and Fulton County. However, the number of total auto accidents fluctuated a lot since 2014. By 2017, the total number of car crashes increased by about 33% after a drop in numbers in 2018.

As per statistics, there were about 6 car accidents every hour between 2014 and 2018. The pandemic has not reduced those numbers by much either. A car accident lawyer in Atlanta can help you get the compensation you deserve if you become part of that statistic.

How to Avoid Car Accidents in Atlanta

While you may not be able to avoid every car accident, you can increase your chances of getting involved in one by following these tips:

Remain Alert

If you are stuck for hours in a traffic jam, you may start thinking of something else and take your attention off the road. That is one of the best ways to get into an accident. The same will be the case if you are on your phone or are texting while driving.

Avoid an accident by eliminating all distractions. Keep your phone on silent till you get to your destination. Always ensure you are aware of the vehicles around you even if traffic is moving forward at a snail’s pace. Plus, always remain aware of blind spots and cars that are traveling faster than the traffic flow.

Remain Cautious At Red Lights and Take Curves Seriously

Even if the light turns green at a traffic light, that doesn’t mean you should move forward immediately. It’s not a starter for a race. Count to three and look both ways before proceeding. Plus, keep a close eye out for animals, children, and pedestrians rather than assuming the path is clear.

Additionally, never take curves in a hurry even if you are running late. You will underestimate your speed which can make you lose control of your vehicle. If you are unfamiliar of the terrain, the chances of a serious accident increase tenfold.

Get In Touch With Shani O. Brooks to Claim Damages

If you are involved in a serious accident on the road and the other driver refuses to give you his insurance details, get in touch with an experienced car accident lawyer in Atlanta such as Shani O. Brooks. He has recovered millions in damages for clients across Georgia and can ensure you get the maximum compensation you deserve.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch for a free consultation. At this time, you need an experienced car accident lawyer on your side. If you got seriously injured or maimed because of the car crash, you deserve to be compensated.

Why You Should Never Negotiate A Personal Injury Settlement Without An Attorney


Why You Should Never Negotiate A Personal Injury Settlement Without An Attorney

While you can negotiate an insurance settlement yourself, doing so without an Atlanta personal injury lawyer can end up costing you. Contrary to what the insurance adjuster says, you are not ‘in good hands’ and they are not on your side. You will be in the hands of people who are determined to pay you as little as possible for the injuries and losses you have suffered because of your accident.

In other words, if they are successful, they will line their pockets while you get almost nothing unless you have an experienced lawyer negotiating on your behalf. Here are some of the best reasons why you should not go into this without one present by your side:

1.     You Can Make Costly Mistakes

There are a number of costly mistakes you can make during a negotiation that an Atlanta personal injury lawyer will steer clear of. These include the following:

  • Turning over documents too early on in the process.
  • Accepting all of the facts that are presented to you regarding your accident.
  • Making statements and signing off on them regarding pre-existing conditions that can harm your position.
  • Settling too fast for an amount that does not compensate you completely for your losses.

In case the accident caused serious long-term injuries, talking to the defendant’s insurance company without an attorney is not advisable. Tell them that your attorney will call them if they ask. The first consultation you will get with us is free of charge so you have nothing to lose.

2.     You Can Undermine Your Case

You can undermine your case and lose out on the compensation you deserve without an Atlanta personal injury lawyer by your side. Any statement you make in front of the insurance adjuster may be ‘misinterpreted.’ For example, if you explain your conduct during the accident, it can lead to complete denial of your claim.

The thing is once your statements are recorded, they cannot be removed or retracted. You have only two years from the date of the accident to file a claim for your personal injury or risk forfeiting it. After the deadline has passed, the insurance company will not accept your claim.

Just filing the claim will not do the trick, but a lawsuit can work wonders when it comes to ensuring you get the compensation you deserve. Plus, the insurance company may know a few things about you that may compromise your claim.

For example, if they find out you are in debt, they can try manipulate you into admitting that you don’t have a valid claim. Ensuring you have an Atlanta personal injury lawyer negotiating on your behalf will allow you to maintain the integrity of your claim.

If you are in search of experienced personal injury attorneys who can negotiate for the best compensation amount on your behalf, get in touch with Shani O. Brooks P.C, today. We represent personal injury victims like you in Atlanta and throughout the state of Georgia. As mentioned, the first consultation is free so we can start the process straight away. Get in touch today.

If I Am Injured as an Uber Driver Can I Be Compensated?

accident while driving uber

If I Am Injured as an Uber Driver Can I Be Compensated?

Uber has quickly grown into the most widely used ridesharing service on the planet. With its user-friendly app, low rates, and ‘driver for hire’ ads, it’s now all over the U.S. and other parts of the world. However, did you know that Uber rides are just as vulnerable to road crashes as other modes of transport? In 2017 and 2018 combined, Uber confirmed 97 fatal crashes and 107 total deaths, according to Uber’s U.S. Safety Report. Today, a large number of lawsuits involve ridesharing accidents, in which the victim can both be the driver and/or passengers.

This guide will shed some light on whether you can be compensated if you’re injured as an Uber driver.

Driver Injury Protection Program

In August 2018, Uber introduced an insurance program for its drivers, providing coverage for work-related injuries. The Driver Injury Protection Program is available in 40 states and applies to drivers when they are logged into the Uber app, going to pick a passenger, or carrying a passenger to their destination. As an Uber driver, you’re entitled to up to $1 million for medical bills, up to $500 a week for lost wages, and a maximum of $150,000 for family members if the driver lost their life during a ride.

It’s important to understand here that you need to be in ‘drive mode’ at the time of the accident while driving uber to be able to reap the benefits. This means that if your app was turned off when the accident occurred, you won’t be covered under Uber’s Driver Injury Protection Program. You will end up using your own personal insurance to get compensated. The same can happen if you’ve dropped off a passenger and are driving alone.

Moreover, even if you manage to access Uber’s insurance coverage, you won’t likely be covered for the full million dollars limit.

Can You Apply For Workers’ Compensation?

Unfortunately, you are not eligible for uber accident compensation. This is because Uber asserts that their drivers are not their employees but independent contractors. Drivers have the authority to pick and choose their passengers and work according to their own schedule. The company also doesn’t withhold taxes for them or provide regular employee benefits to them, such as health insurance, overtime pay, paid sick leaves, and more.

Thus, you can’t use the workers’ compensation path to get compensated for your injuries while driving for Uber, regardless of whether you’re a full-time or part-time driver.


To sum it up, if you’re injured as an Uber driver, you may be entitled to uber accident compensation from Uber’s Driver Injury Protection program, but not through workers’ compensation. Yet, it can extremely difficult to deal with insurance. A qualified car accident lawyer in Atlanta can help you pursue financial recompense for pain and suffering, hospital visits and appointments, emergency medical care, hospital accommodation charges, lost wages, and even wrongful death.

Shani O. Brooks PC offers just that. To request a free consultation, contact our legal team now at 404-920-4736.

After A Car Accident, Photos Help Your Case


After A Car Accident, Photos Help Your Case

In Atlanta, Georgia, if you are involved in a car accident, you have the right to file a claim with the insurance company or sue the at-fault driver if you are denied damages. Photos can prove invaluable when an Atlanta car accident lawyer is building your case and trying to help you recover money from your losses.

What You Should Take Photos Of After A Car Accident

Here are some things you should take photographic evidence of after you get into a car accident in Georgia:

Property Damage

This includes both internal and external damage not only to your vehicle, but also other elements in the environment surrounding the accident site such as a building or signpost you crashed into. Besides this, make sure you take photos from a variety of angles, especially of skid marks and debris.

Your Injuries

This is one of the most important things you can photograph after your car accident. Do this as soon as possible, after you start noticing visible marks and in the days after the accident as well to document how they change with time. It’s also important to remember that Bruises do not manifest immediately after all.

Nearby Traffic Signs

This may sound strange, but photos that prove that the at-fault driver ignored nearby traffic signs can strengthen your case. It can help investigators that your Atlanta car accident lawyer hires to reconstruct the accident as well. For example, if there was a stop sign at the site which the other driver failed to acknowledge, he/she can be found at fault and charged accordingly.

The faster you file a claim for damages in Georgia, the better. As the driver who sustained damages and was injured in the car accident, you have the right to ask for compensation either in the form of a settlement or via aggressive litigation which can force the insurance company or the at-fault driver to pay up.

Get In Touch With Shani O.Brooks For A Consultation

Car accidents are one of the main causes of serious injuries in Atlanta, Georgia. If you or someone you know was involved in one and suffered serious injuries because of the negligence of the other party, you and they deserve full and fair compensation.

This is where Shani O. Brooks can prove invaluable. With aggressive representation, he can ensure that you get the medical care and support you need by making sure the other party pays up. Get in touch with him for a consultation today.

Who Pays If I’m Injured While Driving For My Employer?

Does Uber Cover Accidents for Drivers

Who Pays If I’m Injured While Driving For My Employer?

If your employer tells you to deliver some packages to a specific location on your way home and you get injured in an auto accident during the errand, he/she is liable for your injuries. The same will be the case if you were driving a company car and are injured from visiting a business site. In both cases, you sustained injuries while taking care of responsibilities that are within the scope of your employment.

However, if you got into an accident during work while running personal errands or during your lunch break, determining liability can get trickier. A car accident lawyer can provide the much-needed clarification for your case.

What Happens If You Are Injured In A Car Accident While Working

Georgia worker’s compensation laws are designed to protect and compensate workers who are harmed while acting within the scope of their employment. This means that if you are injured in a car accident while you were working, you are eligible for medical care, disability compensation, and death benefits.

In fact, depending on the severity of your injuries, you may also be eligible for temporary total, permanent total, or partial disability benefits. To pursue those benefits, you need to prove that the injuries you sustained are work-related. This is important since insurance carriers and your employer may try to contest the connection by saying that the injuries did not occur within the scope of employment.

It is up to you and your car accident lawyer to prove that you were engaged in a work-related task at the time of the auto accident. Besides employees, individuals who drive for a profession such as bus and truck drivers and delivery drivers are also eligible for said benefits if they are injured while working.

At this time, you need aggressive legal representation in your corner that will not back down in the face of injustice.

Do Not Face Your Employer Or Insurance Company On Your Own

Whether you were injured while running errands for your boss in your car, the company car, or were involved in a car accident while on a job-related task, you deserve compensation. If your employer or the insurance company is denying your claim, get in touch with the attorneys at Shani O. Brooks P.C. today in Atlanta, Georgia. Our attorneys can help you get the full and fair financial compensation that you deserve and do not back down from a fight.